Tuesday, February 23, 2010


As you can see, the Vulcan Magnolia is really in all of its splendor this year! We enjoy this beautiful tree so much. Many cars actually stop and the people get out and look at it. Neighbors ask to take pictures with their families in front of it. I guess we should charge!

I've been able to make some good progress on the book this week since I don't have to preach on Sabbath since our Pathfinders will be in charge of the service. That's good news as I really need the time to focus.

We met with a precious family last Sabbath where the wife is losing her battle with cancer. We have several other church members in similar conditions as well as families undergoing relational, financial, and other physical challenges. As I look at that I see how blessed we are, but I also see how fleeting and fragile our lives are. I have so many members and friends who have died from, or who are currently battling, cancer that it just makes me wonder when it is going to hit our immediate family. Life is certainly precious, but also unpredictable. My only hope is to stay close to Jesus. It's not about what I know, but WHO I know that counts.

May we each blossom like the Vulcan Magnolia in our front yard!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beauty Amidst Sorrow

I conducted the funeral today for the 102 year old member. It was interesting to witness the pain in the eyes and faces of the four living children (three had died), all of whom were in their late 70's to mid 80's, as they laid their mom to rest. No matter how long you have them, you're never ready to let go of mom. Perhaps the fact that they had her so long made it so difficult to comprehend that she was actually gone. And so we have mixed emotions everywhere we look, but God is always there and we can always find evidence of new life and hope if we look for it.

I hope you can enjoy these beautiful blossoms in our front yard. We watch them now daily as they will be completely gone in a few days, but they are glorious while we have them. Our loved ones are the same way. Enjoy the beauty of your family and friends today. Tomorrow they may be gone, but we still have the promise of an even more wonderful tomorrow.

May God bless you and keep you in His hand today.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nice To Have A Long Weekend!

Wonderful to have an extra day to the weekend. Ingrid dealt with a big project in repainting one of the guest rooms. I was available to help when needed, but spent a great deal of time working on the book as well as other items that would need to be done during the shortened week, like weekly letter, sermon, and all that good stuff. I also have two funerals this week which only adds to the list of things needing time and the lessening of time in which to do it all.

We are fully enjoying some spring like weather. The Vulcan Magnolia in our front yard is starting to bloom already and we are ready for some warmer weather and sunshine (bike weather!), but we are not complaining as we talk with our kids back east and their 45" of snow with more coming today!

So, I wish you and yours a blessed week as well. Keep the faith!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

OK, I'm back

I am back and after having read blogs from other colleagues I am chagrined to realize that I have not been faithful at blogging unless I was traveling or leading up to something. I hereby resolve to change that and get blogs up at least twice a week and hopefully more.

So, what have I been doing since I last signed in? Well, aside from the usual church items, which seem to keep me more than busy, I've been writing on the book, "The Journey." I am now about halfway through it and picking up speed. I do hope to have it done this spring and published asap. The writing of it has been a journey in itself and it does take a lot of time. Anyway, no more excuses. I'll just ask your forgiveness for being slack on this blog and get back to business.

I am currently working through a sermon series on "Challenges Facing the Church in the 21st Century." Challenge #1 was, "Do Not Worry", #2 was "Perceptions", and #3 was "Apathy." This Sabbath will begin to cover #4, which is "Truth." I may take two weeks to work that one through and then move on to "Reverence." It has been a fun series and well received even though I've been very much to the point. You can go on the church website and still pick up this series. Go to napasdachurch.com and click on Worship Services. Let me know what you think. I love feedback.

Much to do, but I'll post again at least by the weekend.
